These new drivers promise a major boost in performance. Currently there is no PPA support. So you can’t use apt-get or our script. The only way to install the all-new nvidia drivers is via the official nVIDIA website. We will update the the article when PPAs (X-Swat or Xorg-Edgers) will be available with 304.64 package.

[toggle title=”Specifications”]

  • Added support for the following GPUs:
    • VGX K1
    • VGX K2
  • Fixed a regression in backlight control functionality on some notebook configurations.
  • Fixed a performance issue with recent Linux kernels when allocating and freeing system memory.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the display device / X screen selection menu from being displayed in nvidia-settings.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented X driver gamma manipulation from working after a VT-switch on some configurations.
  • Added the option “–output-file” to to allow specifying a custom filename for the log file.
  • Fixed a hang when using OpenGL programs with some SLI Mosaic configurations on pre-Fermi GPUs.
  • Added sections to the “Supported NVIDIA GPU Products” list for NVS, Tesla, and VGX products.


[button color=”green” link=”” Drivers[/button]

[dropcap]UPDATE:[/dropcap] Now you can use X Updates (Ubuntu-X Team) PPA in order to download and install the new nVIDIA 304.64 drivers (304.64-0ubuntu1~quantal~xup1)  using sudo apt-get or our nVIDIA Installer Script.

How to Install 304.64

With the thousands of commands available for the command line user, how can you remember them all? The answer is, you don’t. The real power of the computer is its ability to do the work for you. To get it to do that, we use the power of the shell to automate things. First we test, second we write and then we provide.

Our nVIDIA Installer script is a collections of commands that are stored in a file. The shell can read this file and act on the commands as if they were typed at the keyboard. This is the very early beta of this script, and soon enough there will be a GUI version with lot’s of features.

Please notice that our script works only with Ubuntu. No other Linux distributions are supported. In order to install this driver, please use our 1-click installer script and select the “stable” update. This is a stable driver, so feel free to play on the safe side of the road. Also, if this is your first nVIDIA proprietary blob install, the script will remove all the drivers… thus you need to run it twice in order to install the driver (the second time) into a clean (no garbage/old remaining files) system.

[button color=”orange” link=””%5DDownload 304.64[/button]

After the reboot, open Dash and type “nvidia“. Using this tool you can configure all these nvidia settings 🙂

btw you can use our script to unistall the drivers (in case you have problems) and Yes it works with Ubuntu 12.10!


Do you want something more fresh ? Try 310.14

In case you want to play on thin ice with your system’s stability but have the latest available (beta) driver from nVIDIA then use our guide here.